Participe e crie em conjunto

Descubra todo um novo mundo de possibilidades de ensino digital onde pode desempenhar o papel principal

Competições e desafios educativos

A mentoring program and educational challenge to design virtual spaces for a sustainable and inclusive future

GIF IT UP logo with animated hammer and paint brush

Descubra como criar os seus próprios GIF com GIF IT UP

Create and add subtitles to archival audiovisual clips from European heritage collections

Competição e iniciativa de crowdsourcing para transcrever documentos das Coleções Europeana

Contribua com as suas histórias

Adicione os seus objetos e histórias à Europeana 1914-1918

black and white photograph, a gymnast on parallel bars

Tell us about your sport experiences through objects like photographs, memorabilia, equipment or prizes.

Ajude-nos a contar a história da Europa através das nossas vidas laborais no passado e no presente.

Sharing your migration history can help us to tell a really big story of Europe and the people who live here.

Tutoriais de vídeo

The use of digital archives with game-based apps like Minecraft can offer you new possibilities for distance learning

Explore the potential of Europeana related to STEM and ready-made learning material to achieve key competencies

Com este tutorial irá aprender a criar memes, gifs, ou outros jogos de tabuleiro para trabalhar com os seus alunos

Discover a series of short videos in which teachers explain how they use Europeana with STEAM, PBL or CLIL

Aplicações e jogos

Learners can explore, create and experience 3D objects as stories through Europeana and Sketchfab content

A funcionalidade de memória de pássaro apresenta crianças de escola primária a pássaros e às suas canções únicas

11-11: Memories Retold is a game about WW1 through the eyes of two soldiers on different sides of the war.

In Wonders kids are invited on a discovery tour of 13 exciting locations across the globe and asked to complete various challenges to learn about these sites.

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Other resources

Find your crayons! Sharpen your coloured pencils! And enjoy adding colours in one of the books we have prepared for you.

Murasaki Shikibu depicted in a purple robe, staring at the moon in Ishimyama Temple

Discover a gallery co-created with the Europeana Education community

Descubra o conteúdo e os projetos criativos do desafio #reinventarBeethoven

Explore destaques editoriais e de coleções selecionados