Ipparteċipa u oħloq ma’ oħrajn

Skopri dinja kompletament ġdida ta’ possibbiltajiet għall-edukazzjoni diġitali fejn int jista’ jkollok ir-rwol ewlieni

Sfidi u kompetizzjonijiet edukattivi

A mentoring program and educational challenge to design virtual spaces for a sustainable and inclusive future

GIF IT UP logo with animated hammer and paint brush

Skopri kif toħloq il-GIFs tiegħek stess b’GIF IT UP

Create and add subtitles to archival audiovisual clips from European heritage collections

Crowdsourcing initiative and competition to transcribe documents from Europeana Collections

Ikkontribwixxi bl-istejjer tiegħek

Żid l-oġġetti u l-ġrajjiet tiegħek f’Europeana 1914-1918

black and white photograph, a gymnast on parallel bars

Tell us about your sport experiences through objects like photographs, memorabilia, equipment or prizes.

Għinna nirrakkontaw il-ġrajja tal-Ewropa permezz tal-ħajjiet tax-xogħol tagħna fil-passat u fil-preżent.

Sharing your migration history can help us to tell a really big story of Europe and the people who live here.

Tutorials b’vidjo

The use of digital archives with game-based apps like Minecraft can offer you new possibilities for distance learning

Esplora l-potenzjal ta’ Europeana relatat ma’ STEM u materjal tat-tagħlim komplut biex tikseb kompetenzi ewlenin

B’dan it-tutorial se titgħallem kif toħloq memes, gifs, jew anke board games biex taħdem mal-istudenti tiegħek

Skopri sensiela ta’ vidjos qosra fejn l-għalliema jispjegaw kif huma jużaw Europeana ma’ STEAM, PBL jew CLIL

Apps u Logħob

Learners can explore, create and experience 3D objects as stories through Europeana and Sketchfab content

Birdie Memory tintroduċi l-għasafar u l-għanjiet uniċi tagħhom lit-tfal tal-iskejjel primarja

11-11: Memories Retold is a game about WW1 through the eyes of two soldiers on different sides of the war.

In Wonders kids are invited on a discovery tour of 13 exciting locations across the globe and asked to complete various challenges to learn about these sites.

Uri aktar (tiftaħ fit-tieqa l-ġdida)

Other resources

Find your crayons! Sharpen your coloured pencils! And enjoy adding colours in one of the books we have prepared for you.

Murasaki Shikibu depicted in a purple robe, staring at the moon in Ishimyama Temple

Discover a gallery co-created with the Europeana Education community

Skopri l-kontenut u l-proġetti kreattivi mill-isfida #reinventingBeethoven

Esplora editorjali magħżula bir-reqqa u punti saljenti tal-kollezzjonijiet