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Esplora l-wirt kulturali Ewropew permezz tal-ikel u x-xorb.

Pjanti li Jistgħu Jittieklu mill-Ameriki

L-abbitudnijiet tal-ikel tal-Ewropa kienu jkunu differenti ħafna li kieku l-esploratur Kristoforu Kolombu ma marx ifittex rotta aktar veloċi minn Spanja lejn l-Asja tax-Xlokk. Din il-wirja turi kif il-pjanti li jistgħu jittieklu li ġew skoperti kellhom impatt ewlieni fuq il-kultura, l-ekonomija u l-politika globali.

Where would we be without Italian tomatoes, Irish potatoes and Belgian chocolate? The reality is that these and many other plants familiar to us today are not indigenous to Europe.


Early adopter Christopher Columbus apparently translated the papaya’s Carib name ‘ababi’ as ‘fruit of the angels’.

Annonas, custard apples and soursops are small tropical trees or shrubs from the Annonaceae family. The genus Annona includes approximately 200 recognised species.

The greatest diversity of tomato species is concentrated in South America, especially in the Andes.

Capsicum (pepper) is a neotropical genus belonging to the Solanaceae family which includes around 32 species of shrubs and subshrubs.


The potato originated in the Andes, where the indigenous population domesticated a variety of native wild species.

The cassava is a shrub that grows up to 3 meters in height with tuberous roots, rich in starch and reaching up to a metre in length.

The cacao is a small tree, reaching up to eight meters in height. The fruit contains 30-40 seeds surrounded by a white pulp – these are the cacao beans.


The peanut or groundnut is a herbaceous plant, between 30-50 cm tall.


Corn is an annual grass of the genus Zea which includes seven species native to Mexico and Central America.

Among the Cactaceae, Opuntia is the most widely distributed and the most diverse genus, with approximately 75 American species.

cropped illustration from a vermouth poster showing three bottles on a table
Blog post

Exploring the history of vermouth, an aperitivo drink produced in Turin

black and white photograph of two young women eating ice-cream cones
Blog post

Explore the history of ice-cream in Sweden

black and white photograph of a table with dishes
Blog post

Take a culinary tour to discover seven foods named after European places

Blog post

Extending 36 kilometres along the Danube, the Wachau is a landscape of stunning scenery

Blog post

A short history of working as a waiter in restaurants

Blog post

From coffee, tea and tobacco to UNESCO: the story of Van Nelle business started with a small shop.

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Behind pizza's simplicity lies a much more complex history – this is the tale of the Margherita’s migration.

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The history of the Jacob’s Biscuit Factory, home of the cream cracker.


Here's a sweet treat: this gallery presents chocolate advertising from across Europe.

Blog post

The history of Swiss seasoning Maggi

Blog post

With today’s craft beer movement, the origins of beer culture come more and more to the fore.

Blog post

Tea: where it’s from, how you grow it, and how the plant is prepared?

Blog post

Archaeology can give great insight into what processes have made us the humans we are today.


How do you take your tea? Served in an elegant parlour, from a flask or during a Japanese ceremony?


From the earliest archaeological finds to more recent technology, how we prepare our food.

Blog post

Meet the women who taught Europe to cook.

Blog post

Highlighting vintage food and drink advertisements in European newspapers.

Blog post

Rotterdam's contribution to the world’s fast-food heritage is kapsalon


Ice cream, eis, gelato... eating and enjoying ice-cream is a quintessential summertime activity

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