Tagħlim mill-bogħod

Hawn issib pjanijiet u għodod għal-lezzjonijiet li jistgħu jgħinuk tmexxi attivitajiet impenjanti u ta’ tagħlim profond barra mill-klassi

Xenarji tat-tagħlim dwar it-tagħlim mill-bogħod

Citizenship, Environment, IBSE, Literacy - Lower Secondary Education

Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness and expression, Language - Upper Secondary Education

Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness and expression, D&I - Upper Secondary Education

CLIL, Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness, Environment, Game Based Learning, IBSE, PBL, STEAM - Primary education

Citizenship, Cooperative learning, Language - Secondary Education, VET & Adult Education

Game Based Learning, STEAM - Upper Secondary Education

Art, English, Language subjects - Lower secondary, Upper secondary

Art, History, Language, Philosophy, STEAM - VET, Secondary education

Art, English, History - Upper secondary

English, History, STEAM - Upper secondary, VET

More online learning scenarios (tiftaħ fit-tieqa l-ġdida)

Platforms to create eLearning activities with your students

This virtual learning environment offers innovative distant learning tools for history and citizenship education

Crowdsourcing initiative and competition to transcribe documents from Europeana Collections

A smiling man in a suit carries two suitcase-sized televisions under one arm, standing in an electronics store with more televisions lining the walls.

A crowdsourcing initiative that allows you to create and add subtitles to archival audiovisual content

Tutorial b’vidjo dwar Minecraft

The use of digital archives with game-based apps like Minecraft can offer you new possibilities for distance learning

How to create virtual spaces on Mozilla Hubs