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Ievadraksti par labsajūtu

Bloga ieraksts

From the very start of the 20th century, nutrition was considered as essential to well-being as physical exercise.


Explore this gallery of people exercising: mental well-being is often connected to regular physical exercise!

Bloga ieraksts

Spas and wellness resorts in the 20th Century

Bloga ieraksts

‘wellness’ as it’s been known since the 1950s – has been at the pinnacle of human aspirations for many centuries.

Mācību scenāriji par fizisko un garīgo labsajūtu

Cooperative learning, Cultural awareness and expression - Secondary Education, VET & Adult Education, Non-formal

CLIL, D&I, Well-being, PBL, STEAM - Primary education, Lower Secondary Education, Non-formal

English, History, Philosophy - Adult education

Art, English, History - Lower secondary, Primary school

STEAM - Lower and Upper Secondary

English, History - Primary school

English, Language - Secondary school

English, STEAM - Primary school

More Well-being Learning Scenarios (tiek atvērts jaunā logā)