Černošská historie

Podnikněte exkurzi do historie černochů v Evropě v příbězích a tématickém obsahu Europeany

Pozoruhodné osoby

monochrome illustration, portrait of Alexandre Dumas who sits with his arms crossed at a desk with books and papers
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How his novels have been adapted in performing arts

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The black violinist and composer

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Three women writing Caribbean and European stories

a black and white print portrait of Jacobus Capitein
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Enslavement, theology and a literary legacy

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How Audre Lorde made Black and feminist history in Germany

cropped sepia-toned profile portrait photograph of Rosa Lemberg
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'The first Black woman in Finland'

Photo of Billie Holiday with her dog
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Black women's jazz legacies in Europe

Sidney Bechet playing the clarinet
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Black American musicians who mainstreamed jazz throughout Europe after the First and Second World War

collage showing artwork of Juan de Pareja by Diego Velázquez, photograph of Nellie Cooman and image of Toussaint Louverture

The stories and achievements of Black figures from the past to the present

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Discover the history of a modern dance theatre that helped propel stories of a nation to the world

black and white photograph of Ira Aldridge, who wears formal clothing
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African-American Shakespearean actor and abolitionist who was renowned across Europe

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Dancer, spy and freedom fighter - Josephine Baker was a force throughout her life as a performer and activist.

colour portrait of Joseph Bologne, who wears a red coat and holds a sword
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The life of Joseph Bologne, a French 18th century fencer, soldier and composer

painting of a young Black man who wears a green suit with gold buttons and large white collar, he carries a small box
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Three portraits telling a remarkable story of diplomacy and colonial history in the 17th century

black and white photograph of a group of people, women carrying large baskets on their heads and men standing in or beside a small boat
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Photographer sisters who chronicled early 20th century life in Suriname

black and white portrait of Angela Davis
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African-American political activist, philosopher and author combatting racism, sexism and homophobia

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Transatlantic perspectives on American abolitionist and anti-slavery campaigner

grainy black and white photograph of Leone Jacovacci who flexes his arm muscles
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Afro-Italian boxer who was Italian champion in the 1920s, angering fascists

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Singer, actor and activist known for her distinctive singing style and voice

colourful drawing with many different figures
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Cuban whose art was influenced both by Catholic and African traditions

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Three Black authors from the Americas who have lived in Europe

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Singer-songwriter and advocate for the rights of Black people across the world

black and white photograph of Jesse Owens running
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The 1936 Olympic champion who battled poverty and racial bigotry with sporting success

black and white portrait photograph of Virgínia Quaresma
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Portugal's first female journalist who was a mixed race and lesbian writer and activist

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Patrice Lumumba, Mariama Bâ and Fela Kuti's politics, literature and music


Explore a gallery with some of the most influential black musicians that made history

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Visitors to the Maritime Museum, including one wheelchair user, look at a model ship in a glass case. Behind them are several portraits and an information board with the title Leuvehaven.
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The colonial past of Rotterdam

black and white photograph of several black people descending a gangway from a ship
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The legacy of an inspiring generation

Photo from a 2017 Black Lives Matter demo in Berlin. The women in the centre holds a poster that says: "Generation ADEFRA / black feminists say NO to racism, misogyny, homo-/transphobia, trumpism, fascism!"
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How three organisations promote Black participation in politics

Sister Rosetta Tharpe facing the camera and looking to the top left, has her mouth open to sing, holding a microphone close to her chin.
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Exploring the history of Black Gospel music in Museum Catharijneconvent


The everyday lives of people from the African diaspora captured by photographers.


Explore portrayals of Black people in European art, which are often exoticised, subjugated and minoritised

black and white photograph of a group of footballers who wear suits

Photos, films and memorabilia showing Black footballers who have played in teams across Europe

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Multicultural theatre company inspiring new generations of performers

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Exploring moments in the history of Britain’s Black communities

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Poetry, writing and music in Guadeloupe Creole, Twi, Ewe and Xhosa, four languages of the African diaspora

painting of Aleksander Pushkin
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The ways in which mixed raced people have contributed to the stories of Europe

A creole woman in a red turban
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Kreolitude and what it can bring to people


black and white photograph of Josephine Baker who wears a ball gown
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Inspiring photographers and designers


The Tunisian heritage of couture


From Mogadishu to the Fashion World

Catwalk and stage


British Supermodel has overcome some of the challenges of being a Black Model

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African-American fashion designer who broke barriers in the European fashion industry